
Anna is Associate Professor of Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, where she directs the Lemann Foundation Programme, and lectures on the core graduate course, the Politics of Policymaking, as well as teaching several executive courses.

The Lemann Foundation Programme has a broad remit to generate knowledge and conduct engagement to improve the public sector. It has projects in areas as wide-ranging as civil service diversity, education, health, digital government and environment, working mostly in Brazil but also in other parts of the Global South.

Anna’s own research looks at relationships between gender, identity, political polarisation, corruption, trust and integrity. From 2020 onwards, she has also focused on the social and political aspects of COVID-19. She acts as a reviewer for journals such as APSR, EPSR, PNAS, Nature Medicine and Science Advances.

Anna has been co-Principal Investigator of the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT) project since its start and was Co-PI on the ICL-YouGov Global COVID Behaviours Study (2020-21). Thus, her empirical work on COVID-19 frequently brings together government policy data and survey data to answer questions about policy impacts and government-society relations.

Anna has written a large United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime report about gender and corruption, and frequently gives talks on the subject at international venues, which have included the UN General Assembly. Anna completed her training at Cambridge (BA, MA, Natural Sciences) and Oxford Universities (MPhil Comparative Government, DPhil Politics). Before becoming an academic, she was a journalist. She has held positions such as Argentina Correspondent, Science Correspondent at The Economist, section editor at the science journal, Nature, and was a columnist at The Guardian and at Nature Climate Change. Occasionally, she writes blogs and articles about her current work.

In several recent podcasts, Anna discusses the formal and informal politics of women's representation and activism on OxPol, the field of gender and corruption (with a focus on sexual corruption, or “sextortion”) on KickBack, and the work of the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker team on The Oxford Quadrangle and Collecting COVID: Oral Histories.

This Google Scholar page has the most up-to-date list of Anna’s publications.


Selected recent publications

M Bauhr, B Owasanoye & A Petherick. Sexual corruption: Emerging directions in research and policy. The Chandler Sessions on Integrity and Corruption (2024).

A Petherick. Gender, Procurement, and Corruption. In S. Williams & J. Tillipman (Eds), Routledge Handbook of Public Procurement Corruption, 161-174 (2024).

E Cameron-Blake, H Tatlow, B Andretti, T Boby, K Green, T Hale, A Petherick, T Phillips, A Pott, A Wade, H Zha, A panel dataset of COVID-19 vaccination policies in 185 countries. Nature Human Behaviour 7 (8), 1402-1413 (2023).

Filipe Recch, Anna Petherick, Rachel Hinton, Radhika Nagesh, Rodrigo Furst, Rafael Goldszmidt. Education data needs and challenges for building back from COVID-19. Epidemics 43, 100673 (2023).

LB Aknin, B Andretti, R Goldszmidt, JF Helliwell, A Petherick, JE De Neve et al. Policy stringency and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal analysis of data from 15 countries.The Lancet Public Health 7 (5), e417-e426 (2022).

A Petherick, R Goldszmidt, EB Andrade, R Furst, T Hale, A Pott, A Wood. A worldwide assessment of changes in adherence to COVID-19 protective behaviours and hypothesized pandemic fatigue. Nature Human Behaviour 5 (9), 1145-1160 (2021).

T Hale, N Angrist, R Goldszmidt, B Kira, A Petherick, T Phillips, S Webster et al. A global panel database of pandemic policies (Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker). Nature Human Behaviour 5 (4), 529-538 (2021).

UNODC, A Petherick. The Time is Now: Addressing the Gender Dimensions of Corruption. (UNODC, Vienna; December 2020).
