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Girl in bright top in classroom in Africa
Portrait of Rachel Kate

Blavatnik School appoints Rachel Kyte as Visiting Professor of Practice as COP 28 begins

As COP 28 begins in the United Arab Emirates, the Blavatnik School of Government is delighted to announce the appointment of its new Visiting Professor of Practice, Rachel Kyte. Rachel is Dean Emerita of The Fletcher School at Tufts University, the first woman to lead the United States’ oldest graduate-only school of global affairs, and brings with her a wealth of expertise in climate change and sustainable development.

Project focus
Lemann Foundation Programme

The Lemann Foundation Programme is a comparative research programme with an emphasis on Brazil, which generates and disseminates knowledge to improve the public sector and its associated institutions.

Topic focus
Climate change

See how the School is responding to the climate emergency through our research and insight.

Library of Global Public Goods

The Library of Global Public Goods was set up to share free learning resources that will enrich conversations among educational leaders in Global South countries.

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About our research

Our research underpins our mission to inspire and support better government and public policy around the world.