Please note this working paper is regularly updated to reflect the changes in data - this is version 15 (updated June 2023)
Previous versions:
The COVID-19 outbreak has prompted a wide range of responses from governments around the world. There is a pressing need for up-to-date policy information as these responses proliferate, so that researchers, policymakers and the public can evaluate how best to address COVID-19.
We introduce the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT), providing a systematic way to track government responses to COVID-19 across countries and sub-national jurisdictions over time. The data is combined into a series of novel indices that aggregate various measures of government responses. These indices are used to describe variation in government responses, explore whether the government response affects the rate of infection, and identify correlates of more or less intense responses.
Since 2021, most governments have applied differentiated policies to the vaccinated and non-vaccinated people. Our latest datasets track this differentiation.
Latest additions to the dataset
In order to ensure that our dataset continues to be of value and benefit to the many researchers, governments and public who use it, we continue to adapt and fine-tune our measurements, indicators and indices. With the rapid development and deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, and keeping in line with our goal of collating COVID-19 policy data, we have made four key changes to the database in 2022:
- Recorded differentiated policies of vaccinated and non-vaccinated people across ten indicators: C1-8, H6, and H8.
- Added four new vaccination policy indicators to the OxCGRT dataset.
- Published subnational data for India and Australia.
- Retired fiscal indicators E3, E4, and H4.
Please see the working paper for detailed information on each of these changes.