About Rallying Together
Rallying Together is the a research project by the GO Lab. It focuses on how local authority managers are working in collaboration with their communities to overcome complex social problems. We want to develop and share understanding of how local authority managers can capture the energy, expertise, and resources of their collaboration partners. It will also look at how they can do this whilst maintaining accountability for tax payers’ money and for delivering services that citizens expect.
Reflecting on our early findings
We have put together a briefing that shares our early findings from the Rallying Together project. This follows in depth interviews with 10 local authorities and charities across the country. We interviewed senior managers to find out more about collaborative projects in their region. We explore the benefits, challenges as well as the characteristics of the approaches. What do they look like in practice? What can we learn? Read our early findings to find out what Wigan, Plymouth and Oldham and others are doing in their local authorities and communities. We share what we will be doing next in our research and how this fits with the government scope for civil society.