Julien Labonne is an Associate Professor in Economics and Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford.
Julien's research focuses on issues of clientelism, electoral politics and social networks. He carries out field experiments, designs household surveys and uses large-scale datasets to test models of voter and politician behaviour in developing countries. He has a particular interest in Southeast Asia and most of his fieldwork takes place in the Philippines. Julien is also the Blavatnik School's DPhil Coordinator.
Prior to joining the Blavatnik School, Julien was an Assistant Professor of Social Sciences (Economics) at Yale-NUS College in Singapore, and completed his PhD in the Economics Department at the University of Oxford. Julien previously worked at the World Bank and has consulted for the Asia Foundation, the Millennium Challenge Corporation and the OECD. He also holds masters degrees from the University of Oxford, University College London and ENSAE Paris Tech.
“Political Dynasties, Term Limits and Female Political Empowerment: Evidence from the Philippines” (with S. Parsa and P. Querubin). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, forthcoming.
“Buying Informed Voters: New Effects of Information on Voters and Candidates” (with C. Cruz and P. Keefer). Economic Journal, forthcoming.
“Social Network Structures and the Politics of Public Goods Provision: Evidence from the Philippines” (with C. Cruz and P. Querubin). American Political Science Review, Volume 114, Issue 2 May 2020 , pp. 486-501.
“Family Networks and Distributive Politics” (with M. Fafchamps). Journal of the European Economic Association, August 2020, Vol. 18(4): 1697-1725.
“Economic Shocks and Labour Market Flexibility” (with S. Franklin). Journal of Human Resources, Winter 2019, vol. 54 no. 1 171-19.
“Using Split Samples to Improve Inference on Causal Effects” (with M. Fafchamps). Political Analysis, 2017, Vol. 25(4): 465-482.
“Politician Family Networks and Electoral Outcomes: Evidence from the Philippines” (with C. Cruz and P. Querubin) American Economic Review, 2017, Vol. 107(10): 3006-37.
“Do Politicians’ Relatives Get Better Jobs? Evidence from Municipal Elections” (with M. Fafchamps). Journal of Law, Economics, & Organizations, 2017, Vol. 33(2): 268-300.
“Local Political Business Cycles: Evidence from Philippine Municipalities” Journal of Development Economics, 2016, Vol. 121: 56-62.
“The Local Electoral Impacts of Conditional Cash Transfers: Evidence from a field experiment” Journal of Development Economics, 2013, Vol. 104: 73-88.
“Do Community-Driven Development Projects Enhance Social Capital? Evidence from the Philippines” (with R. Chase) Journal of Development Economics, 2011, Vol. 96: 348-358.
“So You Want to Quit Smoking: Have You Tried a Mobile Phone?” (with R. Chase) Applied Economics Letters, 2011, Vol. 18(2): 103-106.
“A Road to Trust” (with R. Chase) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2010, Vol. 74: 253-261.
“Who is at the Wheel when Communities Drive Development? Evidence from the Philippines” (with R. Chase). World Development, 2009, Vol. 37(1): 219-231.
“Why do Manufacturing Facilities Introduce Environmental Management Systems? Improving and/or Signaling Performance” (with N. Johnstone). Ecological Economics, 2009, Vol. 68(3): 719-730.
“Environmental Policy and Economies of Scope in Facility-level Environmental Management” (with N. Johnstone and C. Thevenot) Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2008, Vol. 9 (3): 145-166.
“Environmental Policy, Management and Innovation” (with N. Johnstone) OECD Economic Studies, 2006, Vol. 42(1).
“Impact d’une réforme de la Politique Agricole Commune par le découplage” (Impact of a Common Agricultural Policy’s Reform Using Decoupling) (with P-A Jayet) Economie et Prévision, 2005, Vol. 167 pp 101-116. (in french).
“Generation of Household Solid Waste in OECD Countries: An Empirical Analysis Using Macroeconomic Data” (with N. Johnstone) Land Economics, 2004, Vol. 80 (4) pp 529-538.