Javier Fuenzalida is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Public Policy and a Career Development Fellow at the Blavatnik School of Government. He is also a Senior Member at St Antony’s College.
His research focuses on public management, mainly studying public servants’ attitudes and behaviour and how they are affected by civil service reforms, management practices, and future-of-work trends. Also, Javier studies the effectiveness of performance management regimes and the use of performance information in the public sector. He teaches courses on public management and policy, research methods, applied statistics, and performance management.
The research projects Javier works on regularly involve partnerships with governments and international organisations such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNICEF. They have translated into numerouspolicy publications and opinion articles.
Javier completed his PhD in Public Administration at the School of Public Affairs and Administration at Rutgers University, and holds an MA in Management and Public Policy and a BSc in Industrial Engineering from the University of Chile.
Before taking up his current role, Javier was Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Government at the University of Chile. Previously, he was Research Director of the Centre for Public Systems at the University of Chile’s Industrial Engineering Department, and Assistant Director of the National Center for Public Performance at Rutgers. He was also a Board Member of the Chilean Society of Public Policy.
Journal articles
Ali, A., Fuenzalida, J., Gómez, M. & Williams, M. (2021). Four Lenses on People Management in the Public Sector: An Evidence Review and Synthesis. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 37(2), 335-366. An earlier version is available as BSG working paper.
Fuenzalida, J. Van Ryzin, G. & Olsen, A. (2021). Are managers susceptible to framing effects? An experimental study of professional judgment of performance metrics. International Public Management Journal, 24(3), 314-329.
Fuenzalida, J. & Riccucci, N. M. (2019). The Effects of Politicization on Performance: The Mediating Role of HRM Practices. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 34(4), 544-569.
Book chapters and working papers
Fuenzalida, J., Gutiérrez, L., Fernández-Vergara, A. & González, P. (2022). Red tape and burnout risks of public service managers: Evidence from a survey experiment of school principals (BSG Working Paper).
Roseth, B, Fuenzalida, J., Suárez, F. & Salas, R. (2021). How ready is the civil service for digital transformation: Evidence from a survey of civil servants in Chile. In, M. Porrúa, M. Lafuente, E. Mosqueira, B. Roseth & A. M. Reyes, Digital Transformation and Public Employment: The Future of Government Work (pp. 121-173). Washington D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Also available in Portuguese and Spanish.
Selected other publications
Ali, A., Alvarez, L. Riccetto, P., del Carpio, P., El Nouchi, E., Fuenzalida, J., Gómez, M., Hein, A., Molina, O. & Williams, M. (2022). Questioning Hierarchies: Senior Leaders’ Views on How Global Civil Services Changed During the Pandemic (BSG Policy Report July 2022).
Gómez, M., Riccetto, P., Iocco, P. & Fuenzalida, J. (2022). Addressing Challenges to Remote and Hybrid Working in Public Organisations (BSG Policy Report June 2022).
Cortázar, J. C., Fuenzalida, J. and Lafuente, M. (2016). Merit-based Selection of Public Managers: Better Public Sector Performance?: An Exploratory Study (IDB Technical Note Nº 1054). Also available in Spanish.
Inostroza, J. & Fuenzalida, J. (2015). Promises and Risks: Challenges to the Decentralization Agenda in Chile. Hemisphere, 24 (Summer 2015), 42-44.