
While the re-emergence of geopolitical competition now dominates the global policy debate, and drives some of the most dynamic areas of policy development, less attention is being paid to the implications of this new context for the process of how policy is made.

This report sets out the conclusions of the Heywood Fellowship’s inquiry: how policymaking at the intersection of economic and security interests needs to change to keep ahead geopolitical and wider global trends.

Supplementary papers

The Heywood Lecture: The Future of Economic Statecraft

Supporting analysis

Engagement Summary Report

Capability Reform: A Systematic and Sustained Strategy for the Intersection of Economics and Security

Beyond the Silos: Analytical Capabilities at the Intersection of Economics and Security in 20th Century Britain

Historical research

Between War and Words: Can Economic Deterrence Help Uphold International Stability?

The Fourth Fighting Service: The Early Development of British Economic Statecraft

When Missions Fail: Lessons in ‘High Technology’ From Post-War Britain