
Low-performing education systems are failing more than half of the world’s children. Many well-designed education reforms are hindered by implementation challenges, which exacerbate the global learning crisis.

  • Education sector planning has improved, but implementation has no.
  • Big picture visions are not yielding results.

A delivery approach is an institutional unit or process that is used by governments to improve their performance when delivering services and implementing policy.

  • These include delivery units, delivery labs, and other homegrown solutions.
  • Delivery approaches have been used in over 40 national and subnational governments worldwide.

These approaches have been used in education, including:

  • UK Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit
  • PEMANDU in Malaysia
  • Big Results Now! in Tanzania

While there are some promising cases, interested policymakers should proceed with caution

  • Leaders should continue to seek out evidence and ask critical questions about how these approaches may suit their needs as gaps in knowledge exist about their application.
  • DeliverEd is building the evidence base for how and when these approaches can be effective through independent research.