What international cooperation will be needed over the coming decades to drive decarbonisation and manage the impacts of climate change?

Project overview

The 1992 United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 2015 Paris Agreement provide a broad framework through which to catalyse global efforts. However, the UNFCCC process alone is unlikely to be sufficient to drive the speed, scale and depth of transformation needed.

While many key policies will be driven by domestic politics, this does not mean that international cooperation is irrelevant. A complementary international governance regime can aid domestic efforts, while poorly aligned global institutions can hamper them.

The project aims to better understand what institutional changes will be required in order for the international climate change regime, broadly conceived, to meet its objectives. It will do this by bringing together existing research, promoting further research into knowledge gaps, and looking across different areas to address critical gaps and weaknesses.

Specific areas of work include:

  • Identifying and advancing reforms for the global trade, investment, and finance systems that can either remove barriers or accelerate catalytic climate action;
  • Strengthening the ‘ecosystem’ of global climate action to transition economic sectors at the speed, scale and justice required to deliver on climate goals

This project is run in partnership with ClimateWorks Foundation.


Mapping the ecosystem of global climate action

This interactive tool provides a mapping of the landscape of sector-based, cooperative climate action. As a complex system, by definition there is no universal or ‘right’ way to map the 'ecosystem' of sectoral climate action, as there is no perspective that can view the whole. This digital tool therefore provides bespoke arrangements of actors and institutions, based on economic sector, functions performed, geographic scope, actor type, or operational level.

As the landscape of global climate action intersects across multiple levels of governance and multiple geographies, the entities included here are by necessity only a partial rendering of the full ecosystem. This is therefore a non-exhaustive mapping of the totality of actors, institutions and initiatives driving sectoral climate action. For suggesting additional entries, please message info@futureclimatecooperation.org.