Caroline Jeanmaire (DPhil 2021) is one of the contributors to the World Economic Forum's landmark report 'Positive AI Economic Futures' which outlines the impact that advanced AI could have on the future of work.
Published in partnership with the Center for Human-Compatible AI at UC Berkeley, and Roland Berger, the report details six possible futures in which changes to the economy and society brought on by advances in artificial intelligence are beneficial to society and human flourishing. It also offers policy recommendations by leading economists, AI scientists, and policymakers, with input from science-fiction authors to engage policymakers to understand what society will look like when artificial intelligence has advanced to a point at which AI-driven systems can do most jobs.
Caroline contributed to a series of workshops where an interdisciplinary group tried to articulate scenarios that represent possible futures for humanity. The workshops explored questions such as: What could a positive AI future look like? What kind of economic arrangements are necessary to achieve these positive futures? What challenges will humanity have to overcome to achieve those positive futures? Findings from these workshops were followed by interviews with 14 leading economists about the opportunities and challenges we might face in a more automated world.
Stuart Russell, Professor of Computer Science and Director at the Center for Human-Compatible AI at UC Berkeley and Daniel Susskind, Fellow in Economics, Oxford University, and Visiting Professor, King’s College, London, co-led the report.
'Six positive AI visions for the future of work' by Stuart Russell and Daniel Susskind offers an overview of the report.