
This paper describes the value that could be added to ‘fragility, conflict and violence’ (FCV) programming by incorporating an ‘atrocity prevention’ lens. While largely complementary, efforts to prevent fragility, conflict and violence do not address all of the root causes of mass atrocities – and in some circumstances, even work at cross-purposes with atrocity prevention efforts. Focused strategies for the prevention of mass atrocities should be incorporated into FCV frameworks, as without this, FCV programmes risk failing to prevent – or worse, they risk increasing the likelihood of – atrocity crimes. Considering various elements of FCV programming, this paper demonstrates how an atrocity-prevention lens might be incorporated throughout FCV work. 

A body of expertise has developed around atrocity prevention and response. This paper draws from this, conceptualising what an atrocity prevention ‘lens’ would look like, and how it could be applied to FCV programming. Broadly, expertise around atrocity prevention is concentrated around three areas: 1) identifying atrocity risks; 2) putting mitigation measures into place to prevent atrocities, and 3) responding to atrocities when they occur. 

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