
This insight note provides an overview of the prevalence of inequity in access to quality primary education for children and particularly girls living in the emerging regions, and children with disabilities in Ethiopia.

Given their importance to GEQIP-E reforms, the analysis focuses on a few indicators including student learning outcome differences across regions, gender and urban-rural locality; girls to boys’ enrolment ratio across grades; school educational resources and facilities; contribution of the school environments for girls to attend school; and enrolment and learning of children with disabilities.

Schools in the emerging regions appear to be facing educational resource shortages and lack of essential school facilities compared to other schools in the relatively advanced regions. Most schools across regions do not seem to offer the required support for children with disabilities in terms of providing specially designed teaching and learning materials and training of teachers to teach children with disabilities.

The implication of this note's findings to inform whether the GEQIP-E sets of interventions will be effective to achieve some of the equity-related goals of the GEQIP-E reform are discussed.