
One of the central debates in the global anti-corruption community is that of corruption measurement. A quarter of a century ago, the main purposes behind the first international measures of corruption was to overcome complacency and instigate change in the way governments responded to corruption. Yet, we know little about how the various global indicators of corruption get used, and public officials with an anti-corruption mandate still need to know whether they are doing well, so that they do not believe that they are succeeding when they are failing or the other way around.

In this paper, Kamel Ayadi, Chair of the Global Infrastructure Anti-corruption Centre in Tunisia and a former Minister of Public Service Governance and Anti-corruption in the same country, together with Todd Foglesong, Lecturer and Fellow-in-Residence at the University of Toronto, articulate seven purposes and principles to animate the development of alternatives to gross global indicators of corruption and to invite government officials into such a collaboration.

Part of the Chandler Papers. Read more about the Chandler Sessions on Integrity and Corruption.