
Yasmin's vision is for Australia to become a global leader in intersectional policymaking, with a Parliament that reflects the diversity of its communities.

Yasmin is National Ambassador for Plan International, advocating for young women to be heard in Australian politics. She regularly provides commentary on Australian TV and radio, such as Q+A, The Drum, and ABC News. She is the Non-Executive Board Director of OzHarvest, Australia's leading food waste charity, and previously worked on gender equality campaigns for The World Bank in the Pacific region. Yasmin was previously named The Martin Luther King Jr Center's Youth Influencer of the Year and 40 Under 40 Most Influential Asian Australians. She holds a master's in women's, gender and sexuality studies from the University of Oxford, and a Bachelor of law/international relations from the Australian National University. She is particularly interested in intersectional public policy frameworks which was the topic of her master's thesis.

Yasmin is a Rhodes Scholar.