
Sarita studied Economics at Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile and a Master's in Economics at the same university. As part of the programme, she was particularly interested in research on the barriers that prevent women from participating in the labour force.

After completing her Master's, Sarita undertook an internship at the Economics Department of the OECD in France. Using quantitative methods, her team identified the employment barriers of people to facilitate the discussion of policy interventions. On her return to Chile, Sarita joined the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, where she provided economic advice to the minister on the design of different bills. Sarita joined the Public Policy Department of the Confederation of Chilean Industries. As part of this role, from a private-sector perspective, she has participated in expert roundtables on labour, productivity, and tax issues, to generate policy proposals to encourage public discussion.

Sarita is a Luksic Scholar.