Chanel is from Australia and founded Teach Us Consent, a campaign that mandated consent education in Australia. With the backing of the 50,000 people who signed a petition, and almost 7000 who submitted testimony of sexual assault while of school age, Chanel, worked closely with politicians from across the political spectrum, including prime ministers to achieve policy reform. She has also worked with Attorneys General on impactful legal reform around consent and sexual assault, resulting in the criminalisation of 'stealthing' in two further Australian states.
Chanel has a Masters in Education, Gender and International Development from UCL and was appointed by former Australian PM Julia Gillard to chair the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership’s Youth Advisory Committee. Chanel was listed as one of the BBC’s 100 Inspiring and Influential Women Worldwide in 2022. In 2023 she published my first book Consent Laid Bare.
Chanel is a Governor Philip scholar.