08 May 2019, 10:15 - 16:15
Blavatnik School of Government, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG
Invited audience only
This is a private event

Please sign up here for this bespoke event, created for researchers based at, or working closely with, the Blavatnik School of Government.

By the end, you will have deepened your understanding of how evidence is used in policymaking, developed ideas about how your research can have greater impact, and widened your network of policymakers to influence. Hopefully, you will also have had fun.

Each researcher will have the chance to take part in two deep-dive discussions of specific policy topics. These will be presented by senior policymakers from the UK government and will let you consider how evidence is used in the policymaking process and therefore how and when your research could have impact. These will be interactive sessions with plenty of opportunity for discussion and debate. There will be a parallel programme for early-career policymakers who will, instead, be hearing from the School’s principal investigators about the research process and what the opportunities and incentives look like for researchers.

You will have the chance to interact informally with the policymakers and other researchers during the day. Here is the outline programme:

10.15 Registration, tea and coffee

10.30 Welcome, introduction and goals 

Calum Miller

10.50 Parallel session 1 

Policymakers choose to attend one research presentation:

  • Mara Airoldi – The Government Outcomes Lab
  • Pepper Culpepper – Banklash
  • Anandi Mani – Marginal Thinking: Policy design for the marginalized

Researchers choose to attend one policy presentation:

  • Emma Hubball, DfE – Teacher recruitment and retention
  • Melinda Bohannon, DfID – Setting DFID's medium-term strategy
  • Stephen Jones & Joe Manning, MHCLG – Local industrial strategies

12.20 Lunch

13.10 Parallel session 2

Policymakers/ Researchers attend a different presentation

14.45 Plenary discussion

  • What have you learnt about policymaking/ research?
  • How can you better engage with policymakers/ researchers?
  • How can government departments/ universities support that engagement?
  • What advice would you give to your colleagues?
  • How can we continue to get better at this?

15.45 Tea and networking

16.15 Close


Please note: topics are all TBC.