Health Economics and Policy Seminar Series 2014-15
12 February 2015, 12:30 - 04 June 2015, 15:00
The Health Economics and Policy seminar series is a great opportunity to listen to world-leading health economics experts presenting their most recent work.
Below is a full list of seminars and links to each of them.
- Terrorism and Human Capital at Birth: bomb casualties and birth outcomes in Spain - with Clement Quintana, University of Oxford (Thursday 12 February 2015) - find out more
- Incentivizing Nutritious Diets: A field experiment of relative price changes and how they are framed - with John Cawley (Thursday 26 February 2015) - find out more
- Are Taquerias Healthier than Fast-Food Restaurants? Migration, food diversity, and health gains from variety - with Osea Giuntella, Blavatnik School of Government (Thursday 12 March) - find out more
- Gluttony and Sloth in the UK: patterns of food consumption and energy expenditure over the past three decades - with Rachel Griffith, University of Manchester (Thursday 7 May 2015) - find out more
- Quality and Accountability in Healthcare Delivery: Audit evidence from primary care providers in India - with Jishnu Das, World Bank (Thursday 21 May 2015) - find out more
- Measurement of Medical Expenditure Risk - with Owen O'Donnell, Erasmus School of Economics (Netherlands) (Thursday 4 June 2015) - find out more