04 November 2022, 09:00 - 13:00
Blavatnik School of Government and Zoom
Open to the public
This event is free – register below to attend

A series of thematic panels discussing how to make credit get to where it is needed, in the last mile, and the challenges to green finance, gender finance, small and medium businesses, infrastructure and technology.

There are more than 500 organisations currently active, with total assets of $18.7 trillion, annually financing about 10% of the world’s investment. They differ in mandate, assets, governance, ownership, and level of flexibility.

Come to learn what a sample of these mission-oriented organisations have learned from the last crisis and their investment strategies for the next decade.

Speakers include Reina Irene Mejia (President a.i., IaDB), Vivienne Apopo (Director-General, EADB), Leslie Maarsdop (Vice President and CFO, NDB), Boitumelo Mosako, (Chief Financial Officer, SADB), Shri Sivasubramanian Ramann (Chairman and Managing Director, SIDBI), Bruno Laskowsky (CIO, BNDES), Susan Lund (Vice President, IFC), Émilie Maehara (Director of Programs, Global Fund for Cities Development), Claudia Arce (Head of Latin America and Caribbean, KFW), Fazia Pusterla (Country Representative Europe, IaDB), Hans Peter Lankes (Visiting Researcher, ODI) and Mar Merita Blat (Head of Mission on Equality, French Agency of Development AFD).


Session 1


The 'last mile' implementation

9.00 am – Moderator: Leany Lemos, Lemann Fellow of Practice, former CEO BRDE, Brasil 
9.05 am – Émilie Maehara, Fonds Mondial pour le Developpement des Villes, FMDV 
9.15 am – Boitumelo Mosako, CFO, Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA)  
9.25 am – Susan Lund, Vice President, IFC  
9.35 am – Open discussion session


Coffee break

Session 2


Accelerating Climate Change Financing: what is new for energy, infrastructure, and technology investments?

10.30 am – Moderator: Professor Thomas Hale, Blavatnik School of Government 
10.35 am – Claudia Arce, Head of Latin America and Caribbean, KFW 
10.45 am – Bruno Laskowsky, Managing Director Bndespar, CIO BNDES, Brasil 
10.55 am – Fazia Pusterla, IDB Country Representative Europe 
11.05 am – Leslie Maasdoorp, Vice President, NDB 
11.15 am – Open discussion 

Session 3


Social impact – Financing SMEs, reducing gender gap and building for the future

11.40 am – Moderator: Anna Petherick, Director of the Lemann Program, Blavatnik School 
11.50 am – Shri Sivasubramanian Ramann, Chairman and Managing Director, Small Industries Development Bank India (SIDBI) (VIRTUAL)  
12.00 pm – Vivienne Y. Apopo, Director-General, Eastern African Development Bank (EADB) 
12.10 pm – Hans Peter Lankes, former IFC and EBRD, ODI 
12.20 pm – Mar Merita Blat, Head of Mission on Gender Equality, AFD 
12.30 pm – Open Discussion 


Closing remarks

