28 March 2018, 16:30
Blavatnik School of Government, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG

While the recent headlines and allegations of sexual misconduct in the aid sector have raised awareness of potentially systemic problems, there has been less discussion of organisational and policy steps that can be taken to promote accountability and to prevent and deter misconduct.

The panel discussion will convene a range of experts and current and former practitioners to discuss the safeguarding challenges facing the aid sector and how to address them as matters of public and/or organisational policy.

This event is free and open to all. 


Helen Evans was Global Head of Safeguarding at Oxfam GB until 2015.  In the wake of #AidToo she has written in The Times about the sector's need for a dedicated regulator.  Helen has been Chair of Oxfordshire's Rape Crisis Centre and is an alumna of the Jo Cox Women in Leadership programme.  Helen is now an Oxfordshire County Councillor and independent consultant working in the charitable sector.

Shaista Aziz is a journalist and writer, and a former international aid worker. She has worked as a broadcast journalist and producer for the BBC and as a media specialist for Oxfam, Amnesty International, Save the Children and MSF. Following the Oxfam revelations, she wrote for the Guardian about the need for reform in the aid sector.

The discussion will be chaired by Emily Jones, Associate Professor in Public Policy and director of the Global Economic Governance Programme at the Blavatnik School of Government.