
Dr Persio Arida was the former Chairman of BTG Pactual. Prior to joining BTG Pactual, was Governor of the Central Bank of Brazil, President of the National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES), Board member of the Central Bank of Brazil and Secretary of the Ministry of Planning, Federal Government of Brazil.

In the private sector Dr Arida was a Board Member of Banco Itaú Holding Financeira SA, Banco Itaú SA and of Sul-América SA. He was also Director of Opportunity Asset Management Ltd, Board Member of Unibanco SA and Director of Brazil Warrant Ltd.

Since the 1970s, he has also worked as an economic and financial consultant. Dr Arida was a professor of both USP and Catholic University of Rio De Janeiro. He has published several papers in specialised journals and has edited several books. Dr Arida holds a PhD in Economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.