
Filipe Recch is a postdoctoral research and policy associate for the Lemann Foundation Programme at the Blavatnik School of Government.

Filipe is a comparative policy researcher whose work is focused on Brazilian educational policies, developing state capacity, and fostering collaboration.

In his career, he has worked both in academia and in the public and not-for-profit sectors. Recently, as a PhD and a postdoctoral researcher at the Stanford University Lemann Center, he has developed research that analyses the role of policy cooperation in the provision of public education in Brazil and whether differences in managerial practices related to policy implementation within regional offices of education are responsible for the differences in student performance.

Additionally, he has experience as an instructor and teaching assistant, having taught Applied Research Methods in International and Comparative Education and Introduction to Data Analysis and Interpretation.

Outside of academia, he has led teams in the State Departments of Social Development and of Education within the Government of Minas Gerais. In the not-for-profit sector, he was responsible for the Instituto Natura project Conviva Educação, an initiative to support municipal departments of education throughout Brazil.

Filipe holds a BA in Social Sciences from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, a MA in Public Administration from Fundação João Pinheiro, and a MA in Political Science and PhD in International Comparative Education from Stanford University. 


Recch, F., Lopes, V. B. S., & Hoogerbrugge, L. (2021) From Structural Reforms to Controversial Changes: The Education Policy Landscape in Brazil. In Examining Educational Policy in Latin America (pp. 58-74). Routledge.

Recch, F., Lopes, V. B. S., & Hoogerbrugge, L. (2021) Superando las adversidades: cómo Ceará y Pernambuco se convirtieron en una referencia de las políticas educativas de Brasil. In La mejora sistémica de la educación Casos de estudio en América Latina

Rivas, A., Scasso, M., y equipo – Brazil: Recch, F., Lopes, V. B. S., & Hoogerbrugge, L. (2020). Las llaves de la educación. Estudio comparado sobre la mejora de los sistemas educativos subnacionales en América Latina. Fundación Santillana, Madrid.

Machado, C. A., Campos, L. A., & Recch, F. (2020). Race and Competitiveness in Brazilian Elections: Evaluating the Chances of Black and Brown Candidates through Quantile Regression Analysis of Brazil's 2014 Congressional Elections. Brazilian Political Science Review, 13.

Carnoy, M., Marotta, L., Louzano, P., Khavenson, T., Recch, F., & Carnauba, F. (2017). Intranational comparative education: What state differences in student achievement can teach us about improving education—The case of Brazil. Comparative Education Review, 61(4), 726-759.