Professor Paul Collier

We are delighted to announce that our popular online course “From Poverty to Prosperity: Understanding Economic Development” led by Professor Paul Collier will be available online again this autumn.

The course will start on 10 October, participants can enrol now to take a new, improved version of the course, which includes interactive discussions with peers and a live Q&A session with Professor Paul Collier.

Launched earlier this year, the course is Oxford’s first ever Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and delivered in partnership with edX. The first run was extremely popular with 44,000 individuals from nearly every country in the world enrolled. However, as it frequently happens with these type of courses, the course was completed by a total of 2,371 individuals.

So this is a great opportunity for those who enrolled last time, and didn’t have the time to take the course.

It’s also a chance for those interested in joining the School for either a MPP or a DPhil to experience the type of teaching and have a taster or the School’s programme.

The refreshed version includes some small changes and tweaks in response to the feedback received from previous learners.

Follow this link to sign up for the new From Poverty to Prosperity: Understanding Economic Development.

Here’s what previous participants have said:

“I have consistently been studying in online learning environments since 2010 and this course design and the delivery by Professor Collier by far exceeded my initial expectations with regards to what an online mass education program would be able to convey in information and knowledge”

“I can use concepts and ideas for development activities for Myanmar and my work. As I live in a poor country, I cannot afford to apply for an Oxford University course, but I can study an Oxford course thanks to you.”

“I have greatly enjoyed this course and will recommend it to all that will listen. At a time when populism across the globe (e.g. US, UK) is leading to increased xenophobia, and far less concern for our neighbours and the disadvantaged, your message gives me hope”

“I felt honoured by having this opportunity and felt such pleasure in this course. It inspired a series of talks with friends in Brazil and I encouraged them and others to come and take part.”

We look forward to welcoming you on 10th October 2017 for the course launch. In the meantime, the videos on the right offer a taste of what the course is like.